38 research outputs found

    Podmioty polityki rynku pracy jako źródło informacji o popycie na absolwentów ekonomii i zarządzania

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    Studies of the demand for graduates of higher education institutions can be made in several ways. It suffices to recall such methods and techniques for analysis of the demand for education as forecasting the demand for highly skilled personnel (analysis of changes in employment by sectors, econometric models, analysis of elasticity of substitution of personnel with different levels of formal education), staff planning in a given place of work, analysis of components and the general tendency of social and economic changes, analysis of job offers in press announcements, analysis of the demand for personnel on the part of employers and registered by institutions of the labour market. The paper presents the results of surveys covering the general population of institutions of the labour market in Poland. The method of these studies, based on the methodological assumptions of the investigation of the economic situation (qualitative studies), provides an adequate degree of conclusiveness of the findings. This is demonstrated by a comparative analysis of the findings presented and what was determined in the course of studies of employers carried out a year earlier in the Centre for Economic Studies Development of the Warsaw School of Economics. The analysis of educational demand embraces the following specific questions, which are discussed in the article (1) characteristics consumers of educational sen/ices in the field of studies of economic and management; (2) the magnitude and nature of the demand for graduates of economics and management, the demand for graduates by area of specialisation; (3) professional qualifications wanted of graduates (qualitative aspects of demand).Badania popytu na absolwentów szkół wyższych można realizować na kilka sposobów. Dość wspomnieć o takich metodach i technikach analizy popytu edukacyjnego jak: prognozowanie zapotrzebowania na kadry wykwalifikowane (analiza zmian struktury sektorowej zatrudnienia, modele ekonomiczne, analiza elastyczności substytucji kadr o różnym poziomie wykształcenia formalnego), planowanie kadr w danym zakładzie pracy, analiza komponentów i tendencji globalnej zmiany społeczno-ekonomicznej, analiza ofert pracy w ogłoszeniach prasowych, a także analiza popytu kadrowego zgłaszanego przez pracodawców oraz zarejestrowanego przez instytucje rynku pracy. W niniejszym tekście przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych obejmujących populację generalną instytucji rynku pracy w Polsce. Metoda tych badań, oparta na założeniach badań koniunktury gospodarczej (badania jakościowe), zapewnia wystarczający stopień miarodajności uzyskanych wyników. Dowodzi tego m.in. analiza porównawcza prezentowanych wyników oraz ustaleń badawczych poczynionych w trakcie badań pracodawców, zrealizowanych rok wcześniej w Ośrodku Rozwoju Studiów Ekonomicznych Szkoły Głównej Handlowej. Zakres przedmiotowy analizy popytu edukacyjnego obejmuje następujące kwestie szczegółowe, składające się na treść artykułu: - charakterystyka odbiorców usług edukacyjnych w zakresie studiów ekonomiczno-menedżerskich; - rozmiary oraz właściwości popytu na absolwentów ekonomii i zarządzania; — struktura specjalizacyjna popytu na absolwentów; -wymagania kwalifikacyjno-zawodowe stawiane absolwentom (aspekty jakościowe popytu)

    Analiza peptida iz hrane

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    The aim of this review is to discuss the definition of food peptidomics and highlight the role of this approach in food and nutrition sciences. Similar to living organisms, food peptidome may be defined as the whole peptide pool present in a food product or raw material. This definition also covers peptides obtained during technological processes and/or storage. The area of interest of food peptidomics covers research concerning the origin of peptidome, its dynamic changes during processing and/or storage, the influence of its presence, the composition and changes in the pool of peptides on the properties of food products or raw materials as well as the methods applied in research into this group of compounds. The area of interests of food peptidomics would include biological activity, functional properties, allergenicity, sensory properties and information on the product or resource authenticity and origin as well as its history and relationships. Research methods applied in food peptidomics, with special emphasis on computational methods, are also summarized.Ovaj revijalni prikaz razmatra definiciju pojma „food peptidomics“, tj. istraživanje peptida iz hrane i njihovu ulogu u prehrambenoj tehnologiji i nutricionizmu. Slično živim organizmima, „peptidome“ hrane obuhvaća sve peptide u prehrambenom proizvodu ili sirovini, a i one proizvedene tijekom prerade i/ili njihova skladištenja. Ova grana znanosti obuhvaća istraživanje podrijetla peptida, dinamičnosti njihove promjene pri preradi i/ili skladištenju, utjecaja peptida, njihova sastava i promjene sastava na svojstva prehrambenih proizvoda i sirovina, te metode istraživanja. To uključuje ispitivanje njihove biološke aktivnosti, funkcionalnih, alergenskih i senzorskih svojstava, informacije o autentičnosti i porijeklu proizvoda ili izvora, te povijesni razvoj i odnose. U radu su opisane metode istraživanja peptida, s posebnim naglaskom na računske metode

    Vitamin D status including 3-epi-25(OH)D3 among adult patients with thyroid disorders during summer months

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    Introduction: In the context of pleiotropic vitamin D effects, its role has also been investigated in thyroid pathology, in particular autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD). However, available data concerning vitamin D status in Polish patients with thyroid disorders are inconclusive. In the study we investigated vitamin D status and adequacy of supplementation, as well as sunlight exposure during summer months among adult patients with thyroid diseases.Material and methods: Adults with diagnosed or suspected thyroid disease were recruited almost entirely in an ambulatory setting between June and September in Northern Poland. Questionnaire examinations were performed, and serum concentrations of 25(OH)D2, 25(OH)D3, 3-epi-25(OH)D3, and 24,25(OH)2D3 were determined by LC-MS/MS.Results: Thirty men and 194 women participated in the study, mean age ± standard deviation (SD): 42 ± 15 years, mean ± SD body mass index (BMI) 26 ± 6 kg/m2. Among the participants, 133 declared L-thyroxine treatment, 44 — Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 40 — nodular goitre, and 20 — hyperthyroidism and/or Graves’ disease. Mean ± SD 25(OH)D level was 26.9 ± 8.2 ng/ml, and deficiency (< 20 ng/ml) was stated in 12%, insufficiency (20 ≤ 25(OH)D < 30 ng/ml) in 50.4% of study participants. Calcidiol was significantly higher in subjects who declared supplementation, mean ± SD: 29.4 ± 7.5 vs. 25.2 ± 8 ng/ml. Among participants without vitamin D supplementation sunlight exposure correlated with 25(OH)D. The C3 epimer of 25(OH)D3 was detected in all subjects; its concentration correlated strongly with that of 25(OH)D3. 24,25(OH)2D3 levels also strongly correlated with those of 25(OH)D3.Conclusions: To our knowledge, the current study is the first in Poland to analyse vitamin D status in summer months among patients with thyroid diseases, as well as serum 3-epi-25(OH)D3 and 24,25(OH)2D3 concentrations. The data presented here indicate that vitamin D sufficiency is not attained even in summer months in patients with thyroid diseases

    BIOPEP-UWM Database of Bioactive Peptides: Current Opportunities

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    The BIOPEP-UWM™ database of bioactive peptides (formerly BIOPEP) has recently become a popular tool in the research on bioactive peptides, especially on these derived from foods and being constituents of diets that prevent development of chronic diseases. The database is continuously updated and modified. The addition of new peptides and the introduction of new information about the existing ones (e.g., chemical codes and references to other databases) is in progress. New opportunities include the possibility of annotating peptides containing D-enantiomers of amino acids, batch processing option, converting amino acid sequences into SMILES code, new quantitative parameters characterizing the presence of bioactive fragments in protein sequences, and finding proteinases that release particular peptides

    Research of Bioactive Peptides in Foods

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    In recent years, peptides have spurred increased interest as one of the most important classes of bioactive food components [...

    Proposal of the Annotation of Phosphorylated Amino Acids and Peptides Using Biological and Chemical Codes

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    Phosphorylation represents one of the most important modifications of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. By modifying the latter, it is useful in improving the functional properties of foods. Although all these substances are broadly annotated in internet databases, there is no unified code for their annotation. The present publication aims to describe a simple code for the annotation of phosphopeptide sequences. The proposed code describes the location of phosphate residues in amino acid side chains (including new rules of atom numbering in amino acids) and the diversity of phosphate residues (e.g., di- and triphosphate residues and phosphate amidation). This article also includes translating the proposed biological code into SMILES, being the most commonly used chemical code. Finally, it discusses possible errors associated with applying the proposed code and in the resulting SMILES representations of phosphopeptides. The proposed code can be extended to describe other modifications in the future

    Role and Properties of Proteins and Peptides in Foods

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    For many years, proteins and peptides have been attracting scientists’ attention as two of the most important classes of food components [...

    The Use of Peptide Markers of Carp and Herring Allergens as an Example of Detection of Sequenced and Non-Sequenced Proteins

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    The objective of this study is to identify fish protein markers for detecting multiple species based on a comparative proteomic approach that relies on fragments with identical sequences. The possibilities and challenges of the use of peptides obtained from carp (Cyprinus carpio) and herring (Clupea harengus) proteins are discussed. A bioinformatic analysis was followed by an LC-MS/MS experiment to identify markers predicting the presence of fish allergenic proteins. Selected myosin peptides were found in carp protein hydrolysates with known sequences and in herring protein hydrolysates with unknown sequences. The results obtained for carp and herring proteins myosin and parvalbumin indicate that proteins with unknown sequences can be identified by peptide markers. Such markers can be designed by disregarding the principle that peptides should be unique (present in one sequence). The challenge is to determine a group of proteins that can be detected by peptide identification